When you run into car trouble, you slow down and put on hazards to warn people around you. Similarly, “CAUTION” tape is aptly placed if there is an unstable fixture or area of a building during construction. These safety measures help prevent accidents and injuries. Just the same, it is not okay to let workers blindly walk around flat roofs, crossing our fingers they don’t fall through a weak area. They need guidance and that is what we provide at Roof Safety Markers, where we make it our priority to keep workers safe.
The benefits of our services can be summarized in an easy-to-remember acronym: L.E.A.P.
As an owner of a flat roof, it is your responsibility to take care of your workers. When you have the ability to LEAP into roof safety, why turn it down? Give Roof Safety Markers a call today at (877) 682-6282 or visit us at www.roofsafetymarkers.com.